Are you learning English for the first time? Are you on a vocabulary-building binge? Learning Animals Names from all over the world can help you expand your vocabulary. So, read on to learn about the terms of various animals, both living and extinct, and the various animal categories.
Animals Names in English
Developing your vocabulary is an essential part of learning a new language. The simplest way to accomplish this is to learn the names of everything you use and see around you. This article will teach you the names of animals from all over the world. To learn more, look through the lists provided below.
List of 100+ Animals Names
Albatross | Chameleon | Jaguar | Rat |
Alligator | Cheetah | Jellyfish | Rhinoceros |
Antelope | Chihuahua | Kangaroo | Sheep |
Arctic fox | Chimpanzee | King Cobra | Sloth |
Armadillo | Chinchillas | Koala | Snake |
Baboon | Cobra | Lemur | Swan |
Badger | Cow | Leopard | Tiger |
Bat | Crocodile | Lion | Tortoise |
Beagle | Crow | Lizard | Turtle |
Bear | Deer | Llama | Vulture |
Beaver | Dodo | Lynx | Whale |
Bison | Dog | Mammoth | Wolf |
Blue whale | Dolphin | Meerkat | Wombat |
Boar | Donkey | Mole | Zebra |
Buffalo | Duck | Monitor lizard | Polar bear |
Bull | Eagle | Monkey | Porcupine |
Camel | Eel | Mouse | Possum |
Cat | Elephant | Mule | Rabbit |
Hammerhead shark | Elk | Orangutan | Racoon |
Hamster | Emu | Ostrich | Fox |
Hare | Fish | Otter | Frog |
Hawk | Flamingo | Owl | Giant Panda |
Hedgehog | Flying squirrel | Panther | Giraffe |
Hen | Gorilla | Peacock | Goat |
Hermit Crab | Hippopotamus | Pigeon | Goose |
Horse | Ibex | Iguana | Jackal |
Categories of Animals
Animals are divided into two categories: vertebrates and invertebrates. Mammals, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and birds are the different types of vertebrates. Invertebrates, on the other hand, include all organisms that lack a backbone. Animals can also be classified as domestic or wild, as well as herbivores, carnivores, or omnivores based on their eating habits.
Amphibian Names List
Amphibians are animals that can survive on both land and water. In other words, they utilize both aquatic and terrestrial environments. For your convenience, here is a list of amphibians.
Amphibian Names
- Green dragon lizard
- Snake
- Iguana
- Newt
- Toad
- Crocodile
- Frog
- Alligator
- Monitor lizard
- Salamander
Read Also: NCERT Solutions Class 5 EVS Chapter 2 – A Snake Charmer’s Story
List of Mammals Names
All animals that give birth to young are classified as mammals. Here are a few examples of mammals. Examine them.
Mammals Names
- Walrus
- Tiger
- Sheep
- Rabbit
- Pig
- Panther
- Otter
- Monkey
- Lion
- Leopard
- Horse
- Goat
- Giraffe
- Donkey
- Dog
- Cow
- Cheetah
- Cat
List of Reptiles Names
Animals with scaly skin, that move on their bodies, or that have short legs. Examine the list of reptile names provided below.
Reptiles Names
- Alligator
- Basilisk
- Chameleon
- Crocodile
- Gecko
- Lizard
- Snake
- Tortoise
- Turtle
- Water moccasin
List of Fish Names
Fish are cold-blooded vertebrates that live in aquatic environments. Here are some fish examples for you.
Fish Names
- Whale
- Tuna
- Shark
- Sardines
- Salmon
- Pufferfish
- Pike
- Herring
- Haddock
- Eel
- Crab
- Carp
- Brill
- Blue whale
- Blue tang
List of Birds Names
Birds are vertebrate vertebrates with feathers, wings, and beaks. Examine the list of birds provided below.
Names of the Birds
- Crow
- Dove
- Eagle
- Emu
- Flamingo
- Hen
- Ostrich
- Peacock
- Pigeon
- Stork
- Vulture
Learn More About Some Popular Animals
Names of Animals | About it |
Alligator | Alligators are giant water-dwelling reptiles with pointed mouths. They have powerful jaws and razor-sharp teeth. They are members of the Alligatoridae family. |
Arctic fox | The polar fox is another name for the Arctic fox. It is indigenous to the Arctic region. They have thick white fur that keeps them warm. |
Buffalo | Buffalos, or bison, are herbivorous animals. These animals can be domesticated as well as wild. |
Chameleon | Chameleons are highly specialized reptiles that can change colour to aid in camouflage. There are 202 chameleon species in the world. |
Dinosaurs | Dinosaurs were extinct reptiles that lived on Earth during the Triassic period. There were various dinosaur species that roamed the Earth millions of years ago. |
Emperor penguin | The Emperor penguin is one of the heaviest and tallest penguins. They are mostly found in Antarctica. These penguins can dive deeper than other penguins. |
Eel | Eels are basically ray-finned fish that live in the deep sea. Eels are frequently misidentified as snakes, but they are not. There are various types of eels, one of which is the electric eel. Eels are mostly predatory in nature. |
Flying Squirrel | Flying squirrels are one of 50 species in the Sciuridae family. Though the name implies flight, they do not soar to great heights like birds. They can only fly from tree to tree. |
Gorilla | Gorillas, also known as great apes, are herbivorous primates found in Africa’s tropical forests. They have human-like legs and hands, as well as broad shoulders and chests. They are thought to be quite intelligent ape species. |
Frequently Asked Questions on the Animal’s Names
Animal names that begin with the letter G.
Animal names beginning with the letter G include goat, gorilla, giant panda, giraffe, and goose.
A few animal names begin with the letter S.
Animal names beginning with the letter S include snake, snail, starfish, spider, sheep, sparrow, and scorpion.