Wild Animal Names – Explore the List of 100 Wild Animals in English

Wild Animal Names

We usually see a lot of animals every day. How many of them do you know by name? In this article, we have compiled a list of names of wild animals with pictures in English that you have either seen in jungle safaris, documentaries, or movies. Here you’ll also learn more about some of the most common wild animals you’ve faced.

Wild Animal Names in English

Wild Animal Names in English
Wild Animal Names in English

List of 100 Wild Animal Names in English

TigerPantherHyenaGorillaWild Boar
OryxPangolinWild catAardvarkBearded Dragon
PossumChipmunkHareMonitor LizardJaguar
BisonArmadilloEelBatKing Cobra
Giant PandaAfrican ElephantKomodo DragonRoyal Bengal TigerBull
LionCheetahHippopotamusKoala BearHedgehog
RaccoonRabbitCoyoteAntelopeEmperor Penguin
JackalAlligatorJellyfishAlpine GoatAsiatic Lion
BadgerFlying SquirrelHawkSealBull Shark
BobcatMooseSquirrel MonkeyZebraBear
CamelChihuahuaSkinkArctic WolfGuinea Pig
PumaCaracalComodo dragonCobraDog
100 Wild Animal Names in English

Wild Animals Name Chart

Here is the chart of wild animals which includes the names of animal with their pictures:

Wild Animals Name Chart
Wild Animals Name Chart

Interesting Facts About the Wild Animals

  1. Tiger:
    • Tigers are the largest cats in the world.
    • They have unique stripe patterns, just like human fingerprints.
    • Tigers are solitary hunters and can leap distances of up to 30 feet.
  2. Panther:
    • Panthers, also known as black panthers, are actually a melanistic color variant of leopards or jaguars.
    • Their dark fur helps them blend into the shadows of dense forests, making them excellent ambush predators.
    • Panthers have incredibly powerful jaws and can drag prey much larger than themselves up into trees.
  3. Hyena:
    • Hyenas are highly intelligent and social animals, living in clans led by a dominant female.
    • They have powerful jaws capable of crushing bones, allowing them to scavenge and hunt large prey.
    • Hyenas have a unique vocalization called a “laugh,” which can be heard from miles away and is used to communicate with clan members.
  4. Gorilla:
    • Gorillas are the largest primates in the world and share 98% of their DNA with humans.
    • They live in close-knit family groups led by a dominant silverback male.
    • Despite their intimidating appearance, gorillas are gentle herbivores, primarily eating plants and fruits.
  5. Wild Boar:
    • Wild boars are omnivorous and have a keen sense of smell, which they use to forage for food.
    • They have distinctive tusks that they use for defense and to root up vegetation.
    • Wild boars are highly adaptable and can thrive in a variety of habitats, from forests to grasslands.
  6. Crocodile:
    • Crocodiles are ancient reptiles that have been around for millions of years.
    • They have powerful jaws lined with sharp teeth and can move surprisingly fast both on land and in water.
    • Crocodiles are apex predators and play a crucial role in maintaining the balance of their ecosystems.
  7. Porcupine:
    • Porcupines are covered in quills, which are modified hairs made of keratin.
    • When threatened, porcupines raise their quills, making them appear larger and deterring predators.
    • Contrary to popular belief, porcupines cannot shoot their quills, but they can release them upon contact with a predator.
  8. Otter:
    • Otters are playful and social animals that live in rivers, lakes, and coastal areas.
    • They have waterproof fur and webbed feet, making them excellent swimmers.
    • Otters use tools, such as rocks, to crack open shellfish and access their food.
  9. Squirrel:
    • Squirrels are known for their agility and ability to climb trees with ease.
    • They have large eyes and a keen sense of smell, helping them locate food sources.
    • Squirrels play a vital role in seed dispersal, as they often forget where they bury their food caches, allowing seeds to sprout and grow into new plants.
  10. Mole:
    • Moles are fossorial mammals adapted to living underground.
    • They have powerful front limbs and broad, spade-like claws for digging tunnels.
    • Moles have poor eyesight but compensate with a highly developed sense of touch and smell.
  11. Oryx:
    • Oryx are large antelope species native to the deserts and arid regions of Africa.
    • They have long, straight horns that they use for defense against predators.
    • Oryx can survive in harsh environments by conserving water and obtaining moisture from the plants they eat.
  12. Pangolin:
    • Pangolins are the only mammals covered in scales, which are made of keratin.
    • They curl into a ball when threatened, using their sharp-scaled tail as a defense mechanism.
    • Pangolins are critically endangered due to illegal trafficking for their scales, which are falsely believed to have medicinal properties.
  13. Wild Cat:
    • Wild cats encompass various species, including bobcats, lynx, and ocelots, among others.
    • They are skilled hunters with keen senses of sight and hearing.
    • Despite their smaller size compared to big cats like lions and tigers, wild cats are efficient predators capable of taking down prey larger than themselves.
  14. Aardvark:
    • Aardvarks are nocturnal mammals with long, tubular snouts and sticky tongues used for feeding on ants and termites.
    • They are solitary animals and dig extensive burrow systems for shelter and protection.
    • Aardvarks are found in sub-Saharan Africa and play a crucial role in controlling insect populations.
  15. Bearded Dragon:
    • Bearded dragons are reptiles native to Australia known for their distinctive “beard,” which they puff out when threatened or during mating displays.
    • They are omnivores, feeding on insects, fruits, and vegetables.
    • Bearded dragons are popular pets due to their docile nature and unique appearance.
  16. Eagle:
    • Eagles are powerful birds of prey known for their keen eyesight and strong talons.
    • They are apex predators and play a vital role in controlling populations of smaller animals.
    • Eagles build large nests called eyries high in trees or on cliffs, where they raise their young.
  17. Beaver:
    • Beavers are well-known for their ability to construct dams and lodges using branches, mud, and rocks.
    • They are ecosystem engineers, creating habitats that benefit a wide variety of other wildlife.
    • Beavers are primarily herbivores, feeding on bark, leaves, and aquatic plants.
  18. Chameleon:
    • Chameleons are famous for their ability to change color, which they use for communication and camouflage.
    • They have long, sticky tongues that they use to catch insects.
    • Chameleons have independently mobile eyes, allowing them to look in different directions simultaneously.
  19. Orangutan:
    • Orangutans are large arboreal apes found in the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra.
    • They are highly intelligent and have been observed using tools in the wild.
    • Orangutans are critically endangered due to habitat loss and poaching for the illegal pet trade.
  20. Ibis:
    • Ibises are wading birds found in wetlands, marshes, and coastal areas.
    • They have long, curved bills that they use to probe for food in mud and shallow water.
    • Ibises play a vital role in controlling insect populations and are considered symbols of good luck in some cultures.

Frequently Asked Questions Related Wild Animal Names

What are the 10 wild animals names?

The names of 10 wild animals are Lion, Elephant, Tiger, Zebra, Giraffe, Wolf, Monkey, Dolphin, Penguin, Bear.

How many types of animal are there?

Estimates vary, but scientists believe there are millions of distinct animal species on Earth, with potentially millions more yet to be discovered!

Name a few wild animals starting with the letter T.

Names of wild animals starting from T letter are Tapir, Tarantula, Tiger, Toucan, Tortoise, Turtle.

Name a few wild animals starting with the letter E.

Names of wild animals starting from E letter are Eagle, Elk, Echidna, Elephant, Ermine, Emu.

Name a few wild animals starting with the letter G.

Names of wild animals starting from G letter are Gazelle, Gorilla, Giraffe, Gnu, Grizzly bear, Gecko.

Names of a few wild animals starting with the letter J.

Names of wild animals starting from J letter are Jackal, Jerboa, Jellyfish, Jay, Jaguarundi.

Who are wild animals?

Which wild animal is native to India?

How many types of wild animals are there?

Who is the king of the jungle?

About The Author

Knowledge Glow

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