Chemical Properties
Group | 1 | Melting point | 180.5 °C |
Period | 2 | Boiling point | 2061 °C |
Block | s | Density (g cm−3) | 0.534 |
Atomic number | 3 | Relative atomic mass | 6.94 |
State at 20°C | Solid | Key isotopes | 7Li |
Electron configuration | [He] 2s1 | CAS number | 7439-93-2 |
ChemSpider ID | 2293625 | ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database. |
What is Lithium?
- The periodic table’s first occurrence of lithium is among the alkalis.
- The lightest solid metal is it.
- It is present in the Earth’s crust in 65 ppm and is moderately plentiful (parts per million).
Uses of Lithium
- Lithium chloride and bromine combine to create concentrated brine, which when heated to a high temperature absorbs humidity. Air conditioning system production involves the usage of brine.
- Parts for airplanes are made from metal alloys containing copper, aluminum, manganese, and cadmium.
- Both the ceramic industry and medicine employ carbonate as an antidepressant.
Properties of Lithium
- In several reactions involving both organic and inorganic reactants, lithium plays an active role. It forms monoxide and peroxide when it interacts with oxygen.
- Water and metallic lithium interact quite violently.
- This metal has a high specific heat, or calorific capacity, which is one of its notable characteristics. Other characteristics include its wide range of temperatures in the liquid state and strong thermal conductivity.
- Both its density and viscosity are quite low.
- This metal’s metallic form is insoluble in hydrocarbons but soluble in short-chain aliphatic amines like ethylamine.
Certain Facts About Lithium
- Only minerals and salts contain lithium. The lithium-ion battery is an essential part found in a lot of modern products.