How Should I Prepare Myself for a Competitive Exam

Competitive Exam

With the emergence of competitive exams in education, students have to prepare for them regularly. The syllabus is often not available until just before the exam date or it may be changed at the last minute. So you need to keep yourself updated about all these changes and make sure that you are prepared accordingly.

In this section we will discuss some important things that can help you prepare well for competitive exams:

Prepare Yourself Regularly

You should always be prepared for your next exam. To do this, you need to start studying regularly and keep up with the same routine every time. If you’re not sure what “regular” means, think about how often you go on a run or stretch – that’s how often it should be for a regular exam preparation plan.

If there is an option between two different times of day or night that works best for both of us then I would recommend doing our study sessions first thing in the morning (around 7am) before going off to work or class at school/college etc., then again after dinner (around 8pm). It’s also important not only when but also where we study; some people find comfort in being surrounded by other people while others prefer being alone with their thoughts so some flexibility should help everyone get through their exams successfully!

Prepare From the Beginning, Not From the Last Month

  • Start early. The best way to prepare for a competitive exam is to start preparing long before the actual exam date. This means that you should be revising your plan regularly and making adjustments based on what you’ve learned from each revision, rather than waiting until the last month before sitting for an exam.
  • Have a plan in mind from the beginning and stick with it until the end! No one knows exactly how well they’ll do on their first attempt at something—and even if they do know how well they’ll do, there are always surprises along the way that can throw off all expectations (or make them seem even more impossible). It’s important not just because of this uncertainty but also because consistency is key: if someone doesn’t have any clear idea of what he or she wants from life yet knows what kind of person he or she wants himself/herself around people who reflect those values then chances are good those same qualities will come through without much effort required later down line too!

Make a Plan and Stick To It

  • Make a plan and stick to it.
  • Planning helps you stay on track, achieve your goals and get the most out of your time. It can also help avoid distractions that may cause you to lose focus or make mistakes (which is especially important if you’re taking an exam).

Revise Your Plan Based on Your Progress

Revision is a normal part of the revision process, and it’s important that you don’t get so caught up in revising that you forget to keep track of where you are in relation to the revised plan. A good way to do this is by using a checklist: write down each step of the revised plan, then check off whether or not it has been completed (or at least attempted). This will give you an idea of how far along each part of your revision process is, which can help motivate further work along those lines if necessary! If there are any parts left unfinished at this point—such as reading chapter 3—then consider revisiting them later when all other sections have been completed; otherwise continue with whatever steps remain undone until they’re all complete (if possible).

Read About the Exam, Then Prepare According to the Syllabus Specified in It

Read about the exam, then prepare according to the syllabus specified in it.

Make a plan and stick to it.

Revise your plan based on your progress.

Keep daily track of your score by taking tests regularly, so that you can keep improving yourself as well as keeping in touch with what’s expected from you at each stage of preparation for an upcoming competitive exam like CAT or GMAT (or any other).

Strengthen Your Basics, Especially in Math and Science Sections

If you’re an aspiring competitive exam taker, it’s important to know that Math and Science sections are one of the most important parts of any competitive exam. So if your goal is to get into a good college or university, you can’t afford to skip these sections.

To strengthen your basics in Math and Science sections, here are some things that will help:

  • Learn how to solve problems on paper using different methods (e.g., solving equations).
  • Practice with friends or family members who also plan on taking competitive exams as well as with people from other schools who may not be familiar with what exactly is being tested during the test day itself but still want their kids’ scores improved by helping them study together instead of just relying on teachers alone for assistance since they won’t always be available during those times when tests aren’t scheduled yet; after all, some teachers might even have deadlines set up ahead of time which means they won’t have time left over after teaching lessons all morning long before heading off home late afternoon/early evening hours later today!

Keep Daily Track of Your Score by Taking Tests Regularly

Keep Daily Track of Your Score by Taking Tests Regularly

One of the most important things you can do is to keep track of your score every day. Make sure that you take a test every day and try to beat your previous scores by at least one point. This way, if there are any changes in the exam pattern or in test questions, then it will be easier for you to prepare for those changes. To keep track of how long each test took and what kind of questions were asked on it, use a timer or app like [Timex Run Trainer]( It’s also important not just take an entire hour but also break down into smaller chunks so that there is no confusion about where exactly you’re at with regards to time management skills; this way when someone asks how long did it take them during their last attempt they’ll know straight away without having too much trouble remembering what happened during their session!

Set Goals That Are Achievable and Realistic

It is important to set goals that are achievable and realistic. Do not expect to pass the exam in the first attempt as this may lead to frustration. You should also not get frustrated if you do not do well in the first attempt as there are other ways of improving your score like improving your studying skills, making notes using flashcards or reviewing them again etc., which can help make up for mistakes made during the actual examination itself.

Don’t Get Distracted by Social Media or Other Subjects While Preparing for Exams

You should not get distracted by social media or other subjects while preparing for exams. If you are, then there is a high chance that your performance will suffer because of this distraction.

You can avoid distractions by keeping yourself away from them and focusing on the work that needs to be done. This way, you’ll be able to complete all sorts of tasks without getting sidetracked by anything else happening around you, as well as avoid procrastination which could lead to failure in exams or even worse: getting bored out of your mind!

Practice Non-test Subjects Along With Test Subjects

It is important to practice non-test subjects along with your test subjects. This will help in improving the quality of your answers, which will help you get good marks in the exam.

You can practice English, History and Geography by reading novels or watching TV serials. You should also study books on these subjects as they contain useful information that can be used while answering questions on them during competitive exams like CAT 2018 etc.,

Have an Awareness of All the Current Affairs and Recent News

You need to keep up with all the current affairs and recent news. This will help you to understand what subjects have been added or removed in your exam syllabus, which subjects are being taught at universities, or whether there is any change in interview questions.

You must also be aware of recent developments in your field, for example if there are any new technologies available for use or if something important has happened on a national level that could affect your job prospects if you work abroad later on.

Keep These Things in Mind While Preparing for Competitive Exams to Get Through Them Easily

  • Preparation of competitive exams is not a one-time deal. You need to prepare yourself regularly and make sure that you continue revising your preparation whenever required.
  • Don’t just focus on the exam now, but make sure that you are focused on preparing for upcoming exams as well. This will help in improving overall performance in both the exams and also give an edge over others who may be studying only for today’s exam or tomorrow’s paper!
  • Don’t waste time by reading about other people’s success stories; instead try reading about what topics have been covered in past papers so that when it comes to writing an answer sheet, there would be no confusion regarding whether something has been discussed earlier or not!


Exam preparation is a complex process. It requires hard work, dedication, and the right attitude. However, if you follow these tips and tricks diligently, then you will be on your way to success in competitive exams!

About The Author

Knowledge Glow

I am Komal Gupta, the founder of Knowledge Glow, and my team and I aim to fuel dreams and help the readers achieve success. While you prepare for your competitive exams, we will be right here to assist you in improving your general knowledge and gaining maximum numbers from objective questions. We started this website in 2021 to help students prepare for upcoming competitive exams. Whether you are preparing for civil services or any other exam, our resources will be valuable in the process.

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