Climate change is a very serious issue that affects all of us. It can impact your health, the ecosystem around you, and even the people who live in your country. Climate change is caused by human activities such as industrialization, deforestation and agriculture. We need to reduce our impact on the environment if we want to prevent further damage from happening.
What is climate change?
Climate change is the term used to describe the changes in the earth’s climate that have been observed over time. Climate change is caused by human activity, which has led to significant global warming and other environmental impacts. The most recent data shows that global temperatures have risen about 1°C since 1880 and are expected to rise an additional 2°C by 2100 if we continue with our current carbon emissions rate (IPCC 2015).
Recent studies suggest that climate change may also be causing increased extremes such as heat waves or droughts or making some regions uninhabitable (IPCC 2015).
How climate change is affecting the planet
Climate change is a real phenomenon that has been happening since the beginning of time. In fact, it’s not just happening today—it’s been occurring since the beginning of time thanks to humans’ excessive consumption of fossil fuels. This means that climate change isn’t something we can just ignore or pretend doesn’t exist anymore; it’s here now and it needs our attention.
So what does this mean for us? Well, if you think about it for a minute, there are some obvious ways in which our daily habits affect the planet: by driving cars (more gas used), using electricity (more power plants), eating meat (more land clearing) etcetera…the list goes on!
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How your daily habits are contributing to climate change
You can reduce your impact on the environment by making small changes.
- Use public transport instead of driving.
- Walk or cycle, rather than using a car when you can.
- Reduce, reuse and recycle waste materials at home or at work (e.g., glass bottles).
What you can do to reduce your impact on the environment
- Reduce your meat consumption.
- Don’t waste water.
- Don’t waste electricity.
- Don’t waste food, paper or gas in general.
- Reduce plastic waste by reusing materials that you already have at home such as old t-shirts or towels instead of throwing them away! You can also try using reusable bags when buying groceries to save on plastic bags for example!
Essay on climate change

Climate change is a real and present threat to the world. The burning of fossil fuels, such as coal, oil and gas, has caused the earth’s temperature to rise by almost 1 degree Celsius since 1880. This increase in temperature is called global warming.
The most significant effect of climate change on humans is its impact on agriculture: crop yields have decreased worldwide; famine has occurred in some parts of Africa; droughts have become more frequent over time; extreme weather events such as hurricanes Katrina or Sandy are becoming more common (see [1] for details).
For example: “In developed countries such as North America where most people live near coasts with access to fish stocks from our oceans…we need renewable energy sources like wind turbines because we can’t afford our current dependence on fossil fuels which pollute our air with greenhouse gases.”
The Impact of Animal Agriculture
Animal agriculture, which is responsible for more than half of all greenhouse gas emissions and nearly two-thirds of total human-caused emissions, also accounts for an enormous amount of land use. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization has estimated that animal agriculture occupies 70 percent of Earth’s ice-free land surface area (as opposed to 62 percent in 2003). This means that if you only consider the amount of water required to grow plants with no soil on top, it would take 5 trillion gallons just to feed one person—so much water!
Animal products like eggs, cheese and milk have been linked to several health issues including cancer; heart disease; obesity; diabetes; high blood pressure/high cholesterol levels; obesity; metabolic syndrome as well as other conditions such as osteoporosis or kidney failure plus many more serious health concerns.
The impact of animal agriculture is undeniable. From global warming to deforestation, it’s clear that we need to do something about our dependence on animals for food. As we continue to learn more about the effects of climate change, we will have to take action sooner rather than later or else face dire consequences like famine and disease epidemics in developing countries. What can you do right now? What changes will be necessary when this crisis hits? These are just some of the questions being asked by scientists who study climate change; they hope that by sharing their findings with others, they can help create a sustainable future for all living things on Earth