World Environment Day Slogans in English

Environment Day

In this article knowledge Glow provides detailed information about world environment day. Also, after reading this article you will be able to know about Environment day slogans, When the established environment day and etc., So keep reading to grow your knowledge with Knowledge Glow.

World Environment Day

World Environment Day – When, Mean and Why?

When World Environment Day (WED) Is Established?

World Environment Day (WED) was established in 1972 by the United Nations General Assembly. The purpose of WED is to raise awareness about environmental issues and promote actions to protect our environment.

Why Is World Environment Day (WED) Celebrated?

The UN General Assembly declared June 5th as World Environment Day in 1972. In its resolution, the UNGA called upon governments, organizations, businesses, communities, individuals, and others to take action to protect and improve the quality of the natural environment.

What Does World Environment Day (WED) Mean?

It means that we should pay attention to the environment around us. We should try to preserve nature and make sure that it stays clean and safe for future generations.

How Did World Environment Day (WED) Start?

In 1971, the first World Environment Day was celebrated in Stockholm, Sweden. Since then, many countries have been celebrating this day. The first celebration, under the slogan “Only One Earth” took place in 1974

Environment Day Slogans

Environment Day Slogans by Famous Personalities

The environment gives enough to fulfill each man’s needs, however few out of every odd man’s ravenousness – Mahatma Gandhi

Hold near Nature’s heart… and split clean up, once in for a spell, and climb a mountain or go through seven days in the forested areas. Wash your soul clean – John Muir

The main route forward, If that we will improve the nature of the Environment, is to get everyone included – Richard Rogers

The environment is the place we as a whole meet; where all have a common intrigue; it is the one thing we all offer – Lady Bird Johnson

I feel more certain than any time in recent memory that the ability to spare the planet rests with the individual buyer – Denis Hayes

What we are doing to the timberland of the world is nevertheless a mirror impression of what we are doing to ourselves and to each other – Chris Maser

Nature gives a free lunch, yet just in the event that we control our cravings – William Ruckelshaus

I can’t help thinking that the normal world is the best wellspring of energy; the best wellspring of visual magnificence; the best wellspring of scholarly intrigue. It is the best wellspring of such a great amount in life that makes life worth living – David Attenborough

We need the tonic of ferocity… while we are sincere to investigate and gain proficiency with all things, we necessitate that all things be secretive and unexplorable, that land and ocean be inconclusively wild, unsurveyed and unfathomed by us in light of the fact that incredible. We can never have enough of nature – Henry David Thoreau

The sun is the main safe atomic reactor, arranged as it is some ninety-3,000,000 miles away – Stephanie Mills

A definitive trial of man’s skill, the small voice might be his ability to forfeit something today for people in the future whose expressions of thanks won’t be heard – Gaylord Nelson

Where the personal satisfaction goes down for the Environment, the personal satisfaction goes down for people – George Holland 

Look profound into nature, and afterward you will comprehend everything better – Albert Einstein

Just when the last tree has passed on and the last stream been harmed and the last fish been gotten will we understand we can’t eat cash – Cree Indian Proverb

Man is as yet the best marvel and the best issue on this planet – David Sarnoff 

Also Read: Slogans on Save Water With Complete Guide

Environment Day

Best Environment Day Slogans by World Famous Companies.

1. “Think Globally, Act Locally.”

This slogan was created by the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) in 1972. It encourages people to think about their actions and how they affect the environment around them. In addition, it promotes local action and participation in environmental issues.

2. “Save Water, Save Time, Save Money.”

This slogan was developed by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). It emphasizes the importance of conserving water and saving time while doing so. It also suggests that saving money is possible if we conserve water.

3. “One Planet One People.”

This slogan was first created by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 2007. It encourages people to work together to protect our planet and its natural resources. It also stresses the importance of equality among all nations and people.

4. “Clean Water Is A Human Right.”

This slogan was originally created by the UNICEF in 1985. It encourages people to take action to ensure clean drinking water for everyone. It also highlights the importance of protecting the environment and working toward a healthier future.

5. “The Earth Belongs To Us All.”

This slogan was initially created by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in 1974. It emphasizes the need to share the earth’s resources and protect the environment. It also encourages people to take responsibility for what happens in their communities.

6. “Every Drop Counts.”

This slogan was designed by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in 1987. It encourages people to use less water and save more water. It also stresses the fact that every drop counts when it comes to using water.

7. “If You’re Not Using It, You Are Losing It.”

This slogan was made popular by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in 2010. It encourages people to recycle instead of wasting things. It also reminds us to reuse items rather than throw them away.

Environment Day Slogans

  • Go green, breathe clean.
  • Stop polluting the environment. Save our planet.
  • Think before you trash it.
  • A little effort towards saving the environment is better than no effort.
  • Let us nurture nature to have a nurturing future.
  • Better Environment, Better Tomorrow. Save the planet Earth.
  • If you cannot reuse, refuse.
  • Let us make our planet a better place. Stop polluting.
  • Use. Recycle. Reuse.
  • No pollution is the only solution.
  • Let us save our environment.
  • Our planet’s alarm is going off, and it is time to wake up and take action.
  • Keep the oceans blue, the planet green, and the animals safe.
  • Lend a hand to save the planet.
  • It’s not yours, not mine. It’s ours. Help protect our Mother Earth.
  • The environment is no one’s property to destroy. It’s everyone’s responsibility to protect. Let us hold hands to save our planet.
  • Trees are the lungs of the world. Plant more trees to help save Mother Earth.
  • Raise your voice, not pollution.
  • Let us protect our environment. Do the world a favour and show it the change you can make.
  • Mother Earth needs you.

Slogans on Save Earth

Best Environment Day Slogans With Meaning

1. Grow Clean – Grow Green

Grow clean means to use only natural products and practices to help keep the environment safe. Grow green means to practice environmentally friendly methods while still producing high quality cannabis.

2. Save Water – Save Energy

Save water means to reduce the amount of water used in your garden. Save energy means to use less electricity or fuel to power your equipment.

3. No More Chemicals – No More Pollution

No more chemicals means to use no pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, or any other type of chemical. No more pollution means to not pollute our air, land, or water.

4. Earth Friendly – Eco-Friendly

Earth friendly means to protect the earth and its inhabitants. Eco-friendly means to preserve the environment and promote sustainability.

5. Grow Weed – Grow Good

Growing weed means to produce high quality cannabis using organic practices. Growing good means to do everything possible to make sure that the product produced is of the highest quality.

6. Grow Healthy – Grow Happy

Growing healthy means to take care of your body and mind. Growing happy means to feel contented and satisfied.

7. Grow Safe – Grow Smart

Growing safe means to protect yourself and others around you. Growing smart means to learn about how to live sustainably and responsibly.

FAQs on World Environment Day

1. What is World Environment Day?

World Environment Day (WED) was created by the United Nations General Assembly to raise awareness about global environmental issues and mobilize action at local, national and international levels.

2. Why do we need to celebrate World Environment Day?

The UN General Assembly declared 5th June as World Environment Day to highlight the importance of protecting our planet’s environment. The theme for 2018 is ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. We need to take action now to protect our planet’s natural beauty and wildlife.

3. How does World Environment Day help us?

It helps us understand how much damage humans have done to the environment and encourages people to make changes to their lifestyle to reduce pollution.

4. What should we do to save the environment?

We need to change our lifestyles to reduce plastic use and recycle everything possible. We should also stop using single-use plastics and only buy products that are reusable.

5. Is there anything else I can do to help save the environment?

Yes! You can start recycling and reducing your carbon footprint. Start by changing your light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). CFLs last longer than traditional incandescent bulbs and they don’t produce any mercury. If you’re not sure what type of bulb to use, ask your electrician.

6. Can I still enjoy my favorite activities if I want to save the environment?

Of course! Just try to limit the amount of time you spend doing them. For example, instead of taking a long walk, go for a short run or bike ride. Instead of watching TV, read a book or play board games with friends.

7. Do you think we will ever reach a point where we won’t need to worry about saving the environment?

No, we’ll always need to care for the environment. There’s no way around that. However, we can reduce the negative effects of human activity on the environment.

About The Author

Knowledge Glow

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