Biography of Robert Frost

Biography of Robert Frost

Robert Frost (1874-1963) was a renowned American poet in 20th century. He was famous for his great and heartfelt poetry. In his potery he did not only capture the beauty of rural life but also and express the complexities of rural life and condition of people living in rural area .

With the thought to provide the children and students with a detailed biography of poetic icon, today i am writing on this topic.

Childhood and Life of Robert Lee Frost

Robert Lee Frost was born in San Francisco, California, on March 26, 1874. His father, William Prescott Frost Jr., was a journalist by profession, and his mother, Isabelle Moodie, was a teacher.

Robert Frost’s father William Prescott Frost Jr. died in 1885. The time when his father died, he was just eleven years old. After his father passed away, he along with his mother shifted to Lawrence,Massachusetts.

After coming to lawrence, To get an education, he took admission in Lawrence High School and there he addressed several graduation ceremonies and started writing poetry. He then attended Dartmouth College( Harvard University ) for two years, but he left in 2 years without graduating due to financial constraints.

Career of Robert Frost

To run his house, Robert Lee joined various jobs as a cobbler and teacher. Then he gave a chance to his passion for writing.
In 1912, He along with his family moved to England. There he familiarized with renowned poets named as Edward Thomas and Ezra Pound.

Life of Robert Lee Frost as a Poet

In 1913, Robert’s first poetry collection named, “A Boy’s Will,” was published. In 1914, his 2nd poetry “North of Boston” as again published. His both poetries was well praised by people.

In 1915, he returned back to the United States and settled in New Hampshire. He lived there for long period.

In United State with his work, he drew inspiration for many of his iconic poems. His poetic style was well-admired by everyone as in his poems, he combined traditional verse forms with modernist elements. In his poems he often explored themes of isolation, nature and the human psyche.

Personal Life of Robert Lee Frost

During his education at the high school, he had a crush on Elinor Miriam White. Elinor White was an aspirational girl who applauded much of his poetry. He proposed her for first time without being affected from her refusal. He proposed her twice and she accepted. They got married on 19th dec, 1895 and blessed with 6 children. Unfortunately two children died at early stage. But unfortunately, Elinor white was diagnosed with breast cancer and died in 1938.

Awards and Recognitions

For Frost’s iconic poetry, throughout his career, he achieved various recognition. He recievedfour Pulitzer Prizes for the most popular Poetry such as “New Hampshire”(1924) “Collected Poems” (1931), “A Further Range” (1937), and “A Witness Tree” (1943).
These were his most famous poems. Aside from the above mentioned poems, in 1961, he delivered the well famous peom “The Gift Outright” at the time of inauguration of President John F. Kennedy.

About The Author

Knowledge Glow

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