In addition to formulating the laws of gravity, which explain why an apple falls from a tree, Sir Isaac Newton was arguably the most brilliant and accomplished physicist of all time. His groundbreaking and unexpected discoveries altered our understanding of and relationship to the physical laws that govern our universe and altered how we see and interact with it.
About Sir Isaac Newton
The 4th of January 1643 saw the birth of Sir Isaac Newton in Woolsthorpe-by-Colsterworth, a small English village. He was a prominent figure in the Scientific Revolution, an English mathematician and physicist.
He made a significant contribution to the field of modern physical optics by discovering the phenomena of white light integrating with colors. His creation of the principles of gravitation and the well-known three laws of motion revolutionized the field of physics worldwide. Calculus was created by him in mathematics. Such a scientist is regarded as a wonderful gift from nature to the field of physics.
Sir Isaac Newton’s Background, Honors, and Accomplishments
In 1661, Isaac Newton attended Trinity College in Cambridge. One year into his four-year scholarship, at the age of 22, Newton completed his first major mathematical discovery—the generalized binomial theorem—in 1665. That same year, he received his B.A. degree.
Isaac Newton had a variety of posts during his career. Following the development of an improved and novel reflecting telescope, he received an invitation to become a member of the Royal Society of London in 1671.
Later on, in 1703, he was chosen to be the Royal Society’s President. In 1689, Sir Isaac Newton campaigned for a place in Parliament. After winning the election, he was elected as Cambridge University’s member of parliament. In 1969, he was also appointed as a Mint Warden. In 1700 he was appointed Master of the Mint for his excellent work and devotion to the mint. He became known as “Sir Isaac Newton” following his knighthood in 1705.
Achievements of Isaac Newton

His head was buzzing with creative concepts. He achieved notable advancements in three different domains, some of which included the following important discoveries:
- The mathematics of change, or calculus, is essential to our comprehension of the world around us.
- Gravity
- Optics and the behaviour of light
- He also constructed the first reflecting telescope to function.
- He demonstrated how Newton’s global gravity is an unusual example of Kepler’s rules of planetary motion.
What are Sir Isaac Newton’s most Famous Discoveries?
- Newton discovered the laws of universal gravitation and motion, providing the basis for classical mechanics.
- He invented calculus, an integral tool in solving problems in physics, engineering, and economics.
- He discovered that white light consists of an array of different hues, which explains why sunlight passes through prisms to form rainbows.
- He invented the reflecting telescope, a type of telescope which uses mirrors instead of lenses.
- He made significant advances to optics research, such as discovering laws of refraction and reflection.
The Contribution of Sir Isaac Newton to Calculus
The calculus was first developed by Sir Isaac Newton. Since calculus is the mathematics of change, modern physics and physical chemistry would be nearly impossible without it.
Newton’s creative intellect gave rise to the division of calculus into differential calculus, integral calculus, and differential equations. The majority of mathematicians now equally credit Newton and Leibniz with the discovery of calculus.
Law of Universal Gravitation
He became aware of the principles of gravity and its force when he witnessed the well-known apple falling from a tree. In the end, he realized that comets and other planets orbiting the sun, as well as the moon, are all caused by the same pressure that caused the apple to fall. The universe is filled with the force. Newton dubbed it the Universal Law of Gravitation as a result.
The formula that lets us calculate the gravitational force between two objects was found by Newton.
Newton’s Laws of Motion

- First law of Motion
- Second Law of Motion
- Third law of Motion
Optics & Light
Sir Issac Newton was also skilled at using tools and conducting experiments. He constructed the first reflecting telescope ever made. All of the light entering this telescope is focused by a curved mirror. The following are some benefits of reflecting light and optics through telescopes:
- The cost of making them is low.
- Larger sizes are easier to manufacture, they gather lighter, and they enable more sophisticated magnification.
- They are not affected by chromatic aberration, a focusing problem associated with certain lenses.
With the aid of a glass prism, Isaac Newton also demonstrated that white light is not a straightforward phenomena. He affirmed that it is composed of every color in the rainbow, which has the potential to recombine to create white light.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How was gravity discovered by Newton?
He was thinking about the laws of nature when he saw the apple fall from the tree.
Q2. Reflecting telescope definition.
Newton created this telescope, which gathers light and focuses it toward the eyepiece using mirrors.
Q3. List every Kepler’s Law pertaining to planetary motion.
Here are Kepler’s three planetary motion laws:
- The Law of Ellipses
- The Law of Equal Areas
- The Law of Harmonies
Q4. By whom was gravity discovered?
Sir Isaac Newton