Roman Numerals is a type of numeral notation that was once employed by the Romans. The Roman numeral is an additive and subtractive number system in which letters are employed to represent specific base numbers and arbitrary integers. A roman number is XLVII, which is equivalent to 47 in numerical form. Roman numerals are represented by a unique set of symbols that includes the English alphabet. In roman numerals, 5 is represented by V. It may be used to name anything, such as Class I, Class II, Class X, and so on.
In this article, Knowledge Glow will go through roman numerals in depth.
What are Roman Numerals?
Roman numerals are an old number system that is still widely used today. Alphabets are used to express fixed positive integers in roman numerals. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X indicate 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 correspondingly.
Following 10, the roman numbers are XI for 11, XII for 12, XII for 13,… to XX for 20. The table below lists the most frequent roman numerals now used to denote basic numbers.
I | V | X | L | C | D | M |
1 | 5 | 10 | 50 | 100 | 500 | 1000 |
Roman Numerals Chart (1 to 1000)
The roman numerals table below depicts Roman numerals from 1 to 1000, such as 1, 2, 3,…, 10, 11, 20, 30, 50, 100, 500, and 1000. We can simply write roman numbers from 1 to 1000 using the chart.
Roman Numerals Chart

Roman Numerals 1 to 100
The list of Roman numerals or Roman numbers from 1 to 100 follows. The guidelines for writing the roman letters from 1 to 100 are described here.
Number | RomanNumeral | Number | RomanNumeral | Number | RomanNumeral | Number | RomanNumeral | Number | RomanNumeral |
1 | I | 21 | XXI | 41 | XLI | 61 | LXI | 81 | LXXXI |
2 | II | 22 | XXII | 42 | XLII | 62 | LXII | 82 | LXXXII |
3 | III | 23 | XXIII | 43 | XLIII | 63 | LXIII | 83 | LXXXIII |
4 | IV | 24 | XXIV | 44 | XLIV | 64 | LXIV | 84 | LXXXIV |
5 | V | 25 | XXV | 45 | XLV | 65 | LXV | 85 | LXXXV |
6 | VI | 26 | XXVI | 46 | XLVI | 66 | LXVI | 86 | LXXXVI |
7 | VII | 27 | XXVII | 47 | XLVII | 67 | LXVII | 87 | LXXXVII |
8 | VIII | 28 | XXVIII | 48 | XLVIII | 68 | LXVIII | 88 | LXXXVIII |
9 | IX | 29 | XXIX | 49 | XLIX | 69 | LXIX | 89 | LXXXIX |
10 | X | 30 | XXX | 50 | L | 70 | LXX | 90 | XC |
11 | XI | 31 | XXXI | 51 | LI | 71 | LXXI | 91 | XCI |
12 | XII | 32 | XXXII | 52 | LII | 72 | LXXII | 92 | XCII |
13 | XIII | 33 | XXXIII | 53 | LIII | 73 | LXXIII | 93 | XCIII |
14 | XIV | 34 | XXXIV | 54 | LIV | 74 | LXXIV | 94 | XCIV |
15 | XV | 35 | XXXV | 55 | LV | 75 | LXXV | 95 | XCV |
16 | XVI | 36 | XXXVI | 56 | LVI | 76 | LXXVI | 96 | XCVI |
17 | XVII | 37 | XXXVII | 57 | LVII | 77 | LXXVII | 97 | XCVII |
18 | XVIII | 38 | XXXVIII | 58 | LVIII | 78 | LXXVIII | 98 | XCVIII |
19 | XIX | 39 | XXXIX | 59 | LIX | 79 | LXXIX | 99 | XCIX |
20 | XX | 40 | XL | 60 | LX | 80 | LXXX | 100 | C |
Roman Numerals 100 to 1000
Number | Roman Numerals | Evaluation |
100 | C | 100 |
200 | CC | 100 + 100 |
300 | CCC | 100 + 100 + 100 |
400 | CD | 500 – 100 |
500 | D | 500 |
600 | DC | 500 + 100 |
700 | DCC | 500 + 100 + 100 |
800 | DCCC | 500 + 100 + 100 + 100 |
900 | CM | 1000 – 100 |
1000 | M | 1000 |

Roman Letters
Although roman letters are used in English alphabets, not all alphabets are roman alphabets. J, U, and W are not considered roman alphabets, and there are 23 roman alphabets out of 26 English alphabets. As a result, the Roman alphabet consists of the following letters: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, V, X, Y, and Z. These roman letters are sometimes referred to as roman symbols.
The year 2019 is written as MMXIX, for example.
Rules for Write Roman Numerals
When representing a number in roman numerals, certain requirements must be fulfilled. Please read the following rules.
- The symbol’s value is multiplied by the number of times it is repeated. (For example, II – 2, XX – 20, and XXX – 30.)
- A sign can only be repeated three times, for example, XXX = 30, CC = 200, and so on.
- Symbols V, L, and D never appear again.
- When a symbol with a lower value occurs after a symbol with a higher value, the values of the two symbols are added. For instance, VI = V + I = 5 + 1 = 6.
- When a sign with a lower value occurs before a symbol of a higher value, it is deducted. For instance, IX = X – I = 10 – 1 = 9.
- Because they are not placed before a bigger value sign, the symbols V, L, and D are never subtracted.
- Symbol I can only be subtracted from symbols V and X, whereas symbol X can only be subtracted from symbols L, M, and C.
Converting Roman Numerals to Numbers
Rule 1: If one or more symbols are inserted after a higher-valued letter, add that amount.
- VII = 7 (5 + 2 = 7)
- LXXX = 80 (50 + 10 + 10 + 10 = 80)
- MCCC = 1300 (1000+100 + 100 + 100 = 1300)
Rule 2: Subtract the amount if a symbol comes before a letter with a higher value.
- CM = 900 (1000 – 100 = 900)
- IX = 9 ( 10 – 1 = 9 )
- XC = 90 (100 – 10 = 90)
Rule 3: In the case of roman numerals, 1000 is substituted by a bar.
Subtractive Rule of Roman Numerals
Write | Instead of | For the value of |
IV | IIII | 4 |
IX | VIIII | 9 |
XL | XXXX | 40 |
XC | LXXXX | 90 |
CD | CCCC | 400 |
CM | DCCCC | 900 |
Solved Examples on Roman Numerals
Example 1: Write 69 in roman numerals.
69 = 60 + 9
= (50 + 10) + (10 – 1)
= LX + IX
Thus, 69 = LXIX.
Example 2: Convert 1984 into the roman numeral.
Break the number 1984 into 1000, 900, 80 and 4, then perform each conversion
As, 1000 + 900 + 80 + 4 = 1984
- 1000 = M
- 900 = CM
- 80 = LXXX
- 4 = IV
1000 + 900 + 80 + 4 = 1984,
So, 1984 = MCMLXXXIV
Example 3: Convert 1774 to Roman Numerals.
Break 1774 into 1000, 700, 70, 4 and then do each conversion
1000 = M
700 = DCC
70 = LXX
4 = IV
1000+700+70+4 = 1774,
Hence, 1774 = MDCCLXXIV
Example 4: Compute the following roman numeral MXXII – LXX – LII.
Given: MXXII – LXX – LII.
We know that MXXII = 1022, LXX = 70 and LII = 52.
Now, substituting these numbers in the Roman numeral letters, we get;
MXXII – LXX – LII = 1022 – 70 – 52.
MXXII – LXX – LII = 900.
Hence, the number 900 in the Roman numeral is CM.
Roman Numerals Practice Questions
- What is the roman numeral equivalent of 500?
- Convert the number 1009 to a roman numeral.
- Convert CXII to numeric form.
- What is the roman numeral for 11?
- Write the number 6 in roman numerals.
- Write the number 12 in roman numerals.
- What is the Roman numeral CMXXIII’s numerical form?
Frequently Asked Questions on Roman Numerals
How do we write 100 in roman numerals?
C represents 100 in roman numerals.
Roman numerals from 1 to 10 should be written.
The roman numbers 1 to 10 are represented by:
1 – I
2 – II
3 – III
4 – IV
5 – V
6 – VI
7 – VII
8 – VIII
9 – IX
10 – X
How do we write 200 in Roman numerals?
In Roman, 200 is written as CC.
What is the proper way to write roman numbers?
Seven distinct alphabets are used to write Roman numerals. The numerals and alphabets are as follows:
I – 1
V – 5
X – 10
L – 50
C – 100
D – 500
M – 1000
What does the roman numeral XC stand for?
We can write all of the Roman numerals using these alphabets.
XC = 90
What is the roman numeral equivalent of 800?
800 = 500 + 100 + 100 + 100
500 = D and 100 = C
800 = DCCC
What is the significance of roman numerals?
Roman numerals are used to identify the name or location of anything or person.
Sam, for example, was first in class.
Prince Charles III Schools include classes ranging from first to tenth.