NCERT Solutions for Class 5 cover a wide range of topics organized into 22 chapters. This article provides basic information on the subject of Super Senses. These days, the environment is an important factor to consider. That is why NCERT has published textbooks for the subject of Environmental Studies in order to raise awareness among the youth. Students can access NCERT Solutions via the links provided below.
Access NCERT Solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1
Q1. How did the ant know the other ants were not members of this group?
Answer: Animals, too, have different senses. They have the ability to see, hear, taste, smell, and feel. The ants used their senses to determine that the other ants were not from this group.
Q2. How did the guard ant know who this ant was?
Answer: The guard ant recognized this ant by using its smelling sense.
Try it and write about it.
Sprinkle sugar, jaggery, or anything else sweet on the ground. Wait until the ants arrive.
Q1. How long did the ants take to arrive?
Answer: The ants surrounded the dropped sweets within minutes.
Q2. Did one ant arrive first, or did a group of ants arrive together?
Answer: A single ant appeared first, followed by a swarm of ants.
Q3. How did the ants use the food?
Answer: The food was carried away by the ants to their hole.
Q4. What are their next steps?
Answer: The ants returned to their hole after that.
Q5. Do they move in a straight line?
Answer: Yes, one ant follows the other and thus forms a line.
Now, without hurting the ants, carefully block their path with a pencil for a while.
Q6. Now, look at how the ants move.
Answer: Even after the ants’ path is blocked, they climb the pencil and move in a straight line.
Q7. Can you guess why the ants acted so strangely when you blocked their path?
Answer: The ants leave a smell on the ground as they move. To find their way, the other ants follow the scent. When their path was blocked, the ants attempted to keep going by following the smell.
Q8. Have you ever been bitten by a mosquito? Consider this: how do they know where you are?
Answer: Mosquitoes can detect the odor of human flesh. They can also detect us by the smell of our feet and the heat of our bodies.
Q9. Have you seen a dog sniffing around? What do you believe it is attempting to smell?
Answer: Yes, we have seen a dog sniffing around here and there. The dog is using its smelling senses to see if there is another dog nearby.
Q1. In what ways do humans make use of dogs’ unique sense of smell?
Answer: Humans use dogs’ keen sense of smell to apprehend criminals, locate explosives, and recover stolen goods, among other things.
Q2. When do you find your sense of smell useful? Provide some examples. For example, knowing that food has gone bad or that something is burning by its smell.
Answer: In addition to smelling bad or burnt objects, we can detect the smell of perfume, flower fragrance, sweat, soaps and detergents, and so on.
Q3. Describe the animals that you could identify solely by their scent without seeing them.
Answer: We can identify animals by their smell, such as sheep, goats, cows, dogs, cats, and so on.
Q4. List five things whose smell you like and five things whose smell you dislike.
I like the smell of | I don’t like the smell of |
1. Bloom | 1. chemicals |
2. Fragrance | 2. Junk |
3. Delicious food | 3. Sewer |
4. incense sticks | 4. decaying things |
5. cool breeze | 5. fertilizers |
Q5. Do your answers match those of your friends?
Answer: Yes, our responses are very similar.
Q1. Do any of your family members’ clothes stink? Whose?
Answer: Yes, the sweat on my father’s clothes stinks because he comes in from the cold.
Q2. Have you ever noticed a smell in a crowded place, such as a fair, bus, or train?
Answer: Yes, I could detect smoke coming from the bus.
Consider and debate.
Q1. Sushila covered her nose when cleaning Deepak’s diaper but not when cleaning her daughter’s. What makes you think she did this?
Answer: Our nose can detect both bad and good odors. Sushila covered her nose because Deepak’s nappy might be dirty. Sushila did not cover her nose in the case of her daughter’s nappy because she did not detect any foul odor.
Q2. How do you feel when you walk by a garbage heap? Consider the children who spend their entire day picking through garbage.
Answer: I feel like closing my nose when I pass by a pile of garbage. Children who spend their entire day picking things out of garbage may not have the same reaction as mine; they are not offended by such smells because they are accustomed to them.
Q3. Is the same smell ‘good’ or ‘bad’ for everyone? Or is it determined by how each individual feels about it?
Answer: No, it is dependent on how a person reacts to the smell. However, in some cases, the bad smell is unpleasant for the majority of people.
Q1. Please write the name of a bird with eyes in front of its head (like in humans).
Answer: The bird with its eyes in front of its head is an owl.
Q2. Name some birds that have eyes on both sides of their heads. What is the ratio of the size of their eyes to the size of their head?
Answer: Crows, pigeons, eagles, parrots, and other birds with eyes on both sides of their heads are examples. Their eyes are small in comparison to the size of their head.
Examining one or both eyes
Q1. Could you see what your friend was doing without moving your neck?
Answer: Without moving my neck, I couldn’t see my friend’s action.
Q2. Try looking at your friend’s action with both eyes open but without moving your neck.
Answer: Yes, I could see my friend’s action right now.
Q3. What was the difference between looking with one eye and looking with both eyes?
Answer: Looking with both eyes is preferable to looking with one eye open.
Q4. Toss a small ball or a coin and attempt to catch it. Try it while keeping both eyes open. Then, with one eye closed, try to catch it. When did it become easier to catch?
Answer: It is easier to catch the coin when both eyes are open.
Q5. Can you imagine having your eyes instead of your ears? What would you be able to do then that you are unable to do now?
Answer: If our eyes replaced our ears, we would be able to see things to the left or right rather than straight ahead.
Q6. Can you guess how far away an eagle in the sky can see a roti on the ground?
Answer: An eagle has a keen sense of vision. It can see a roti on the ground from two kilometers away.
Q1. Names of ten animals with visible ears.
Answer: Elephants, deer, dogs, goats, zebra, lions, cows, cats, buffalo, and sheep are examples of animals with visible ears.
Q2. Names of some animals with larger ears than ours.
Answer: Animals with larger ears than humans include the giraffe, cow, zebra, elephant, and buffalo, among others.
Q1. Is there a relationship between the size of an animal’s ears and its hearing?
Answer: It is possible that animals with larger ears have better hearing than animals with smaller ears.
Q1. Find a quiet area in your school for this activity. Request that one of your friends stand a short distance away and say something softly. The rest of you should pay close attention. Then, as shown in the image below, all of you put your hands behind your ears. Allow the same child to say something as softly as before. In which case was the sound more pronounced? Ask your friends as well.

Answer: The sound was sharper when the hands were placed behind the ears.
Q2. Cover your ears with your hands and say something. Can you hear yourself speaking?
Answer: Yes, I am aware of my own voice.
Q3. Take a seat near a desk. Tap the desk with your hand once. Pay close attention. Place your ear on the desk as shown in the image. Tap your hand on the desk once more. Take another look. Was there a change in the sound of the tap?

Answer: Yes, the sound was sharper when I put my ear to the desk.
Q1. Can you understand some animal sounds? What animals?
Answer: Yes, I can understand the sounds of some animals, such as dogs, cats, sheep, pigs, and horses.
Q2. Do some animals understand what you’re saying? Which ones are they?
Answer: Yes, a few pet animals, such as dogs, cats, parrots, and cows, can understand our language.
Q1. You, like birds and dolphins, can create your own language of sounds for communicating. Remember that you must communicate with your friends using only sounds and no words. When and how will you need to issue an alarm? For instance, when the teacher enters the classroom!
Answer: To alert our classmates when the teacher enters the classroom, we can use sounds such as ping-ping, tik-tik, and so on, which everyone can imitate.
Q1. Have you noticed that there are no lizards in the house during the winter? What do you think happened to them?
Answer: Yes, I have noticed that during the cold season, there are no lizards in the house because they have moved to a warmer location to protect themselves.
Q2. How will you display the time for a house lizard during the winter?
Answer: The colored portion depicts the sleeping time of lizards during the winter.

Q3. Describe the sleeping habits of some animals. Write the number of hours that animal sleeps per day beneath each picture.

Answer: Cow sleeps for four hours per day.
Python sleeps for 18 hours per day.
Giraffes only sleep for two hours per day.
Cat sleeps twelve hours per day.
Q4. Do you have any questions about different animals you see? Make a list of ten such inquiries.
Answer: Yes, when I see different animals, I have a few questions about them, such as:
- What is the significance of this animal’s different colors?
- What do they consume?
- How long do they sleep?
- Are we talking about carnivores or herbivores?
- Is it capable of laying eggs?
- Will it be able to understand our language?
- How do they communicate with one another?
- Why is it in the forest rather than at home?
- How long do these animals live?
- How do they deal with bad weather?
Q5. Tigers are among the most alert animals. Nonetheless, tigers are in danger today. What are some of the threats to tigers in the jungle, in your opinion?
Answer: Even today, there are some threats to tigers in the jungle. The hunters who kill them for their skin pose the greatest threat. Lions, which are more powerful than tigers, pose a threat to them as well. They are also threatened by forest fires, the destruction of trees, humans, and other natural disasters.
Q1. Are there any other National Parks like this in India?
Answer: Some of India’s national parks include:
a) Nagarahole National Park (Mysore)
b) National Park of Ranthambhore (Rajasthan)
c) National Park of Palamu (Jharkhand)
d) Gir National Park (Gujarat)
e)Kaziranga National Park, for example (Assam)
f) Kanha National Park (Madhya Pradesh)
Q2. Gather information and write a report on these.
Answer: A diverse landscape benefits a diverse range of wildlife. India is home to some of the most breathtaking animals. Examples include the Royal Bengal Tiger, Asiatic Lion, Asian Elephant, Indian Rhino, and Sloth Bear. India has over 200 national parks and 540 wildlife sanctuaries spread across nearly all of its states, each with its own unique flora and fauna.
Q1. Have you ever noticed how some singers place their hands on their ears while singing? What makes you think they’re doing this?
Answer: Yes, I’ve noticed that singers sometimes put their hands on their ears to block out outside noise and hear their own voices clearly.
Q2. Describe some animals that have a keen sense of sight, hearing, or smell.
Answer: Animals with heightened senses of sight, hearing, and smell include:
- Dogs can detect the smallest sound of footsteps.
- Mosquitoes can detect humans by sensing their body heat or smelling their feet.
- An eagle can see its prey from two kilometers away.
The NCERT Solutions for Chapter 1 – Super Senses assist students in determining the functions of the human body’s various sense organs. This was a brief summary of the NCERT solutions for Class 5 EVS Chapter 1.